Hi there, I’m Amy.

I’m an Interfaith Minister, Funeral Director & spiritual counsellor. Born and raised on Dharug & Gundungurra Country, I’ve recently returned to the Blue Mountains with my partner and our daughter, after 20 years gallivanting around the globe.

I lived in London for 12 years where I completed my two year Interfaith Ministry training with OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation and studied for four years with the Triratna Sangha at the London Buddhist Centre

Following a series of poignant bereavements throughout my life, I’m primarily drawn to end-of-life care and funeral work. I’m passionate about doing death differently and know how supportive it can be to have someone unflinching alongside you in heart-searing grief. It’s a privilege to be entrusted with that holding.

When not dreaming up ceremonies of magic & meaning, you’ll find me making music, working for Regional Arts Australia, chopping kindling, doing pilates, wild swimming and chasing after my 5 year old.


An Interfaith Minister is an non-denominational minister who has undertaken an intensive two year training in Ministry and Spiritual Counselling with the One Spirit Interfaith Foundation - an educational charity based in London & a sister school of the One Spirit Alliance based in New York.

Interfaith Ministers support people of all faiths and none, celebrating the universal truths found in all spiritual traditions. For me, ‘Interfaith’ means having a deep curiosity and respect for the many ways we try to understand our existence, celebrate life, and connect to something sacred.

Interfaith is not a religion. It walks among the religions. Interfaith begins when we create a bridge between one set of beliefs and traditions and another. An Interfaith Minister ideally is one who turns towards all, regardless of their beliefs or practices, with an open heart and mind, offering them a mirror to their own wholeness and their own divinity.

- OneSpirit Interfaith Minister, Susanna Stefanachi Macomb

FAQ: All your questions answered…

Blog: Moments Of Meaning

You can gain a snapshot into some moments that matter through my blog bits here…

Find someone who looks at you the way I look at wedding speeches…

If you’d like to connect or learn more, I offer a Free 15 minute Discovery Call so we can say hello, get a vibe & start dreaming into your perfect ceremony. Simply get in touch over here >>


Photography Credits:
Imagery on this website includes the skilful photography of: olguinphotography.com.au + frederiquebellecphotography.com + www.twigsbranchphotography.com + www.kristofferpaulsen.com