My prayer is an altar.

My prayer is an altar.
Strewn with colour & cold,
Thoughts new & old,
Copper & flowers & eggs & grief,
It can hold it all.
Pints heavy with beer,
That time I broke your trust last year,
Morning light & arithmetic,
The paradox of it all.
The limitless sky resting in my window frame.
The shame. The coffee. The keys.
The breaking that brought us both to our knees.
The flow of breath, that we all follow,
until we don't.
The beauty & wonder
The tree ripped asunder
The lightning bolt,
And hearts both broken and whole.
My prayer is an altar.
All is welcome here.
More. More. More.
Bring it in. Bring it out.
Bring it here.
We can hold it all.
