I’d never seen this photo of my Grandma Dordy.
I discovered it recently whilst trawling through hundreds of my Papa’s slides that my Uncle lovingly had digitised. This particular photo leapt out to me and smiling, I’ve sat with it a long time since.
It speaks something to me. It holds a love language of simpler times: perhaps reminding us how simple it can be. I can feel my Papa behind the lens, noticing the light, grabbing his camera and lining up this shot of his wife and three boys on holiday somewhere stunning & simple in Australia’s untouched beauty of the 1960’s.
But mostly, I feel my Grandma. I can feel the Love that poured through her like an ocean. I can feel the pure delight in her as we’d run towards her and leap into her ocean arms. Her love for her four kids was boundless, and perhaps trumped only by the love she had for us, her Grandbabes.
She died young, aged 66 - fighting death until she didn’t on that Christmas Eve in 1998.
This 23rd Feb would have been her 92nd birthday - and it’s such a gift to just sit with her, in this photo - and re-member. Out beyond the breakers, floating on the ocean of her love.
Perhaps, if we let ourselves receive it, we can feel the loving presence of our ancestors just there, smiling lovingly at us from the light, in the red deck chair between the pot plants.