Relationship Blessings


"Wherever you are,
and whatever you do,
be in love."

- Rumi

I’m not your token wedding celebrant.
I’m an ordained OneSpirit Interfaith Minister, which essentially means I’m a freelance love ambassador celebrant of deep joy, good times and sacred celebration.
I specialise in creating bespoke and beautiful, sacred ceremony that truly speaks the language of your love and celebrates relationship in all its forms.


Love: your way.

I'm passionate about lovers being guided to explore and affirm the commitment they are making so I work alongside you in the months leading up to your wedding to explore and articulate the intertwining layers of your relationship to ensure your ceremony is a conscious and sacred contracting – as well as a joyous celebration!
Devoted to the Queer and Poly communities, I also offer weddings and love blessings for relationships and unions of all shapes and sizes.

Renewal of Vows 

Renewing your vows is a poignant occasion, allowing you to deeply reflect on the journey you've shared and reaffirm the promises that have shaped your love throughout the changing tides of time.
It's a powerful declaration, breathing new life into your commitment and nurturing the bond that unites you. Whether intimate or public, a simple ceremony can further strengthen your devotion and commitment to your love. It can be a beautiful way to celebrate a milestone anniversary.


Currently, I can only legally marry people in the UK.  For weddings in Australia or beyond - the legal aspects of your marriage will need to be arranged separately with a registered celebrant (I work in tandem with Luzy Suze - she’s the bomb.) Many clients enjoy these two aspects being separate, it ensures there is clarity around their ‘legal marriage’ and their ‘sacred marriage’, often deepening their connection to the true purpose of their wedding ceremony.  For others, it’s essential it all happens in the same moment - in which case, I may not be the right fit for you.

Here’s an overview of what I offer and how I work:

Spiritual Love Counselling
: individual & couple spiritual love counselling sessions exploring what marriage means to you, individually and as a couple, with the intention of creating personal, sacred vows for each other. Consists of 2 x 90 minute couple sessions and 1 x 60min individual session each.

Ceremony Guidance: Ongoing support & guidance in creating the flow of your ceremony including examples of vows, ceremonies, readings, music, poems, rituals and a bespoke written love story or your relationship.

Crafting the ceremony: creating the overall flow and wording of the ceremony (with your input) - sharing drafts along the way for us to revise together. 

Wedding rehearsal: ideally held the day before the wedding on site with all the necessary people & tech involved in the ceremony.

Wedding day Ceremony Bliss… and an optional debrief a few months later.


Hampshire, UK - June 2017

Hampshire, UK - June 2017

"Amy is wonderful... She took the time to understand both of us, both separately and together - who we were and what makes us tick. Her own openness encouraged us to be open, and the seriousness with which she treated us, our values, concerns and hopes allowed us to delve all the deeper into what our marriage would mean to us.

Together, we crafted a ceremony that was at once intensely personal to us, but that also drew in and gave space to our congregation. Even those more sceptical about 'all this hippy nonsense', including Caroline's mum who is a practising christian, were absolutely reassured and won over by how sacred the ceremony was.

The language Amy chose and the way she spoke to us and to everyone there, meant that we were all completely present to take part in the ritual of marriage. And our marriage will be all the stronger for Amy's skills in uncovering and exploring what we understood and wanted from it. She made us feel as prepared as we can be for this next stage of our lives..."

- Caroline & Joe, London
July 2017

"My husband is Irish Catholic and myself atheist. Amy delivered us a respectful non-religious ceremony that beautifully acknowledged the religious background of the grooms family - they felt it was beautiful and to us that was really important. So often I hear people say their wedding ceremony was a blur and that it was over before they knew what was happening. Amy had us hanging on every moment, conscious and present within the heady dreamscape of our own wedding. We took in every moment because of the way Amy spoke to us and through us.  " 
- Sasha, Sydney

"Amy has an inner depth of understanding you just don't see in many people and an outer glow to make you feel at ease. She listened intently to our needs and desires and brought her magical presence to our day. It was a wedding like no other because it didn't feel like any normal wedding. It was a celebration of our love witnessed by our nearest and dearest and Amy made sure everyone felt it. One of Amy's biggest talents is her gift with words - the way she chooses words, the way she speaks words and the way she holds a space."
- Brian, Dublin

Sofala, Australia - March 2015

Sofala, Australia - March 2015